
We offer a space, where people have the opportunity to evolve physically, as well as emotionally and spiritually. A space where people can explore, discover, embody and live there deepest potential, same individually and collectively. We are living in a time in which many things change rapidly, in which we are daily confronted with new questions. Many people feel this in there daily routine, in there relationships and in life in general.

As we engage in the arts of Aikido, Trager/Mentastics, Conscious Movement and Insight Self-defense, we create the opportunity for people to discover, develop and share inner strength, presence and openness, spontaneity and creativity. We engage for a Life, which is not guided by fear, but by compassion and creativity, a Life that has the ability to face daily and even global questions in a positive and life affirming way.

We see the dojo as a sort of a catalyzer, which supports and enhances the changes of these times in a holistic way.

Link to the vision of Evolutionary Aikido Community


Aikido Unlimited | Uster West 12 | CH-8610 Uster | Switzerland | +41 43 497 84 64 | mail
